If you have been involved with the Internet for any length of time, you will readily admit that the Internet seems to keep changing at a faster and faster pace. At times, it probably overwhelms you because as soon as you master one skill or area, it’s time to move on and try your hand at yet another. It’s the nature of the industry, and you have to either keep up or find a niche – a little area of the cyber world that you can keep up with, and that’s in demand.
Many firms try to do it all. That’s okay for some, but that doesn’t have to be you. When I began designing Web sites in the late 90s, I could wear more hats and keep with all the changes that were taking place. As time as gone on, I have found myself specializing and changing at the same time. I used to do it all, but I discovered that my niche is in two areas: designing sites for small businesses and using social media as a marketing tool for small businesses. There are still many things that I do beyond that, but I concentrate on the things I do well and that I feel confident about.
If you depend on the Internet for your business too, consider not doing it all. There’s nothing wrong in limiting your business to things you do well. If you do, then make sure you network. Then if someone needs a service that you don’t excel in, you can either refer them to one of your acquaintances or contract that acquaintance for the work.
At the same time, you need to remain flexible and current. The Internet is constantly changing, so you do have to keep up and you do have to be able to adapt and change directions as needed. I never would have pictured myself as a social media marketing just two years ago, but I took on the challenge as a volunteer for an organization I belong to, and I found that I liked it. Then someone who knew my volunteer work with social media approached me and said he liked how I handled the marketing, and suddenly, I realized that I had a new aspect to add to my business.
Change and adapt – that’s what I do. Consider it for yourself too.