This year, I vow to attract more web design clients. Part of it is of course that I am in business, and I make money when I design websites. The other side of it is that I like helping small businesses succeed. I like the feeling I get when I know that I helped someone achieve his or her goal. That may sound odd, but it’s true.
If you’re on the fence about having a website, then let me convince you why it’s important to your business.
First. How do you look up businesses these days? Do you immediately go to the phone book? Do you immediately go to Google or Yahoo and look up the business either by name or by type? Chances are if you are reading this blog, then you look up businesses online. That’s the number one reason you need to have a Web presence. If you don’t, then how are people going to find you? They may find you through referrals – yes, word of mouth still matters in this day and age. They won’t find you by accident though if they are searching the Internet.
Second. You have the opportunity to create a first impression of your business to your prospective customers. Websites can have many functions, but one of the primary functions is as an introduction to your business. It is an online brochure. It gives your prospective customers time to review the services your offer and read about your business. Even if your business is on Main Street, USA, it still pays to have a website.
Third. A website is a revenue generator. Even if you are not selling online, you are still promoting your business As more and more people turn to the Internet, businesses need to be available online with information on how to contact them via phone, fax, email and online forms.
Hopefully, I have made you aware of why a website matters. And remember, you don’t have to have the snazziest most extravagant site on the Net. You do need to have a professionally designed site that makes your business look good. If you go for simple, just remember, you can easily add on and change down the line. The Internet and websites are flexible that way.