I am sure that many of you have been scared off from having a website. Cost may be one thing that scares you away, but another may be that you just aren’t interested in the Internet. After all, you have plenty of business as a brick and mortar business, and plenty of people know you exist.
Let me assure you that you should have a Web presence. Let me also say that you do not need more than a one page site if you truly have a brick and mortar business that depends more on referrals and your physical location.
Think of your one page site as a one page brochure that tells a visitor who you are, what you do, where you are located and different ways to get in touch with you. You can even see it as a complex business card that says more than your business name, name and phone number.
For instance, maybe a customer of yours mentioned you to someone and gave a recommendation. Maybe that person is one to check things on the Internet – everyone is different. Or maybe that person lost the phone number but still remembered the name. If you have a site, that person can find you and see your basic information as well as contact information. The website works much like an ad in the Yellow Pages.
Some people will say that they certainly do not want to get email. That’s fine. My dentist told me that he is totally against giving out emails. He says that he has enough people cancel at the last minute by phone, and he doesn’t want them to use email as an excuse, and he just isn’t interested in dealing with email. I can’t say I disagree with his philosophy when it comes to his practice. If you too feel that way, still get a website. Just don’t put your email address. Instead list your phone number and office hours. You still have given your visitors a way to contact you – your preferred way.
Don’t turn your back on new technologies that come up in the business world. You need to accept them, but you can accept them on your terms. Consider a simple Web presence for your business. You never know how a small investment can benefit you in the future!
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