Thursday, August 30, 2012

Is WordPress Good for Web Sites?

            Although WordPress was originally designed as an open source blogging tool, many companies are now using it as a CMS for their own Web sites.  CMS stands for content management system, and it’s a tool that allows a person to go in and manage the content of his Web site without necessarily having to know the language of Web design.  There are many good things about using WordPress.
            The number one reason that WordPress is so popular is that it is free.  It’s a quality CMS that really does not cost anything.  It also has a lot of support.
            One thing that users can do is change themes easily without changing or harming the content of their site.  That means that a small company can change the entire look of their site without having to go through a major overhaul.  Another thing that WordPress allows you to do is easily install plugins, so you can easily add more functionality to the site such as a directory or a slider graphic.
            One blogger, Don Campbell (, feels that small businesses would do well to consider choosing WordPress as the CMS for their Web site. 
            The key as he sees it and I see it, is that companies can easily manage their content without having to learn and know HTML.  So if you have a company that is constantly offering new deals to customers, one person can go in and add the information, and all that’s needed is good content that is error free (that has nothing to do with Web design).  A person can literally type the content on their word processor, proof it, and then copy and paste it onto the site, hit a button and publish it.
            Of course, a company may still want a Web site designer to set it up, but the beauty is that once it is set up, someone in-house can do the updates and only call on the Web designer for more complex updates.
            If you have a need to update your site regularly, maybe WordPress is the way to go.

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